2011年9月1日 星期四

Haul from Hong Kong!!

This is the place where I grew up...where I met my friends and family
Everytime when I come to Hong Kong for holiday..I feel like going back home
Despite the pollutions, Hong Kong is definitely one of my favourite cities :)

Although I've always been going back to Hong Kong in summer,
I still hauled a lot from there and this happened just sooo naturally!!
I CANT HELP MYSELF!! hahahhaa I'm such a shopaholic huh?!

One thing I have to admit is that I brought TOO MANY clothes this time
I even can't recognise some of them when I tried to pack my stuff LOL FAILLLL
I'm sorry to say that I can't write a Clothing Haul this time 
But maybe in the future..you will see me wearing them..idk XD

this time I will show y'all about the part of haul from Hong Kong :D!!! 

Accessories and Bags

Compare to the last few years, I actually have brought less accessories years by years 
and I don't know why hahahhaa
So here's the few accessories I brought:

Keeeey Necklace
HKD $20 from Argyle Centre

 The leather chain kinda gives out a natural and cowboy feel. It also comes well with lots of clothes too! Definitely my style!!
Swear I can't get any cheaper and better necklace than this in UK xD

$20 from Argyle Centre

Again very nice item with good affordable price!
Tbh I'm not very into wearing bangles as they are always too big for my wrist :(
These are kinda small compare to the ones in UK and it comes sooo well with my clothes!!
I was looking for the darker brown bangles as the light brown one is quite close to my skin tone (Arghhh Sucks!) but couldn't find any so I just got these instead :(

 Rosy Ring
$20 from Maple

This totally not what I expected to get that day LOL
Me and my friend were expecting to shop crazily in a outlet but end up not getting anything from there! We were really disappointed as we went there for a LONG way! So at the end we went to a small shop nearby and we were sooo obsessed with the accessories there LOL. My friend got a very nice bangle there and I got this ring :) 
But anyways, I do LOVE this ring x)


$40 from Ella's

These were $80 but I'm not sure if the shop was going to shut down or something. Everything was HALF PRICE there! I was like "8D I'm definitely buying these maaaannnnnn! 8D"
But didn't have a chance to wear these as I love my H&M sunglasses xD such a shameeeeee
and I bet I won't have chance to wear them in UK either NOOOOOOOOOO :(

Smarty (Nerdy?) Glassesss

Whole Black - FREE!! friend got them for me!
Black and White - $30[?] from Sceneway Plaza

I'm always obsessed with these glasses but I never wear them for going out!! People will think I'm a real nerd if I wear them rightt LOL xD 
Hopefully I will get good chances to wear them!! Parties!! Bring them on!!!!!!! hahaha

Flowery Mirror
$30[?] from Sceneway Plaza 

I accidentally broke my chocolate-mirror [by a very stupid way LOL] T__T on the day before my results day XD and I was panicking about it as broken mirror literally means something bad would happen soon LOL xD I love my old mirror but this mirror looks nice too! Its cover is made up of leather-ish-plastic  [is this even a word LOL?] so I think this won't easily get broken...hopefully :/

Card holder and key chains 
$99 from Ans

It's expensive I KNOW hahahha!
Everytime when I want to get something expensive, I will converted the price into GBP and tried to convey myself that the price is alright (since the figure is lots smaller LOL) but I still feel guilty after I brought it :( 
Blammeeee on my sister LOL she actually DID told me to get this to put my bus pass and keys once I got up to hers for uni xD

ah welll. This is made up of leather (not sure if it's real tho) but it is sooo cute and pretty righhhhttt :)

Brown box bag

$100 from Kimberly Centre in CWB

I'm obsessed with these kinds of bags recently!! (I'm obsessed with everything right LOL) This is sooo handy and come very well with lots of different style of clothes too!!! They have lots of summerish colours but I think brown is kinda like a 'safe' colour where it is suitable for both summer and winter :D

Envelope Bag

$50 from Argyle Centre

A requested[?] item from my sister xD
One of the biggest hit trendy items recently!
I thought it would be quite hard to go with the clothes but guess that I'm wrong! It actually does come well with clothes!! I think I'm going to get a smaller one soon for party-use! ;D hmmm what colour should I get?

Hair and Beauty

I've got quite a few of hair treatments this time
I don't know the reason but my hair's conditions gone really bad when I'm back to HK!
This is soooo sucky! I wasn't expecting to spend any more money on hair except cutting hair!!

Liese Joicy Shower hairspray $50

The price is fine with me and I'm quite satisfied with the product too! The smell of the hairspray is very nice!!

The use of this hairspray is to moisturise hair and keep your hair look healthier! It also can help you to cover up the nasty smell that comes from your hair just in case :P!

  Liese Smooth hair cocktail $50

The product was about $60 something but I got it when it was on sale! ;) clever huh? xD LOL get stuff on a good timing really helps you to save a lot :)!

Once again, it is quite good with a affordable price!
This product mainly helps you to unlock the hair locks! Personally I think it works very well on me!!

 VS Sassoon Intensive Hair Mask 
-not too sure about the price ;p sorry!

I've used this before when I was in UK and it worked so well for me at that time! But not sure if it's my hair due to the Hong Kong condition or something else, it doesn't work as well as the first time I used it. It basically helps to recover up your damaged hair, moisturised and makes your hair looks shinier! I still believe in the quality of VS Sassoon's products so maybe it's just my hair :/
Hair Mask is very helpful especially for my current situation!
I've also looked up Dove's hair mask, it also looks good too but I've not tried it yet so not sure about the quality of it!  Dove's is currently on sale in supermarket at the moment and it's about $35 (Which I believe it's lots cheaper than VS Sassoon's xD) so I might get that one sooonnnnn!!! Bear with me in the future posts and I will review about it!!!

Maybelline Eyestudio Gel Eyeliner $60

It was $80 but that day it was on a special offer for 25% off discount!!! I was totally like "OMG HERE I COME MAYBELLINE" Beside the Korean-branded-cosmetic, my favourite brands are Rimmel and Maybelline! Maybelline has once been chosen as the best brands of cosmetic so surely it proves the quality of the products! I've mentioned in the last entry that I was looking for a waterproof Gel eyeliner but couldn't find one in UK so instead I got a non-waterproof. BUT I FOUND IT IN HK! annnndd IT'S ON SALE!! 8D!!

Maybelline Lip Smooth Colour and Care $15

Cheap huh?!!!!!!
It was $20 (The original price wasn't that bad) but it's too!! ON A SALE!!! Mann I've totally gone mad in the store that day LOL! You might have imagined how I look like that day righttt LOL!! Also mentioned in the last entry about the condition of my lips, they are always dry I KNOW! and I forgot to say that my lips are bit dark-red-ish soo it makes me look like I'm very tired and stuff :/ Coloured lip balm would help me to brighten up my lip's colour and make me looks less tired!

Body Fantasies body spray (Plumeria Fantasy)
$55 from DNA mall in TST 

This got recommended by my friend. She kept promoting it and totally sounds like she owns the brand LOL! But it's true that it does smell EXTREMELY nice! There are LOADS of different favour of the body spray - Mash-mallow, Cherry, Apple, Pear, Grapes, Melon.....so on and on! I was stuck to decide which I want to get between Plumeria and Apple. But at the end I brought this! (Sorry Apple...xD) Since I've been using this fragrance, I heard a lot of my friends saying they love the smell of it too!!!

Spraying fragrance not only gives you a nice smell for your body but also can build up the attractive between you and opposite sex!!

  Beauty World Dot Artist Set 
  $ 75 from Log on Store

It comes with the stick which to help you do the dotting. I've used it but did not take a proper picture of my nails! You may barely see the finished nails in my self-cam (the last picture) in my last entry! So sorry for the lack of preparations for this entry!!

The brand relesase quite a lot of different colours for this set and also other interesting but very pretty nail-polishes too!

Beauty World Nail Cocktail set 
$58 each from Log on Store

From the same brand! This set is like showing the blending effect to your nails! It is very pretty indeed! Again, it has a lot of different colours sets and I stood there for quite awhile just to decide which to get!! All of them are sooo pretty!!!

I've also tried these and forgot to take photos! Screw me ARGHHHH

Tide to go Instant Stain Remover 
$38 from Log on Store

Another requested items from my sister.
I've not used it before but from what she said, it is reliably useful to get rid of the dirt that's made on your clothes!

The products are from the well-known brand, Tide. So I think the quality of this product won't be very bad, right!!

 Koji Spring Heart Eyelash 06 
$23.8 from Sasa

It was $25 but with 5% off Student Discount. It's a very small discount but still, better than nothing! :) Sucks that my student card has just expired so guess that I can't shop in Sasa anymore hahahha!!!

The lashes are natural and the glue is apparent-colour and very stable so you won't even notice they are false lashes!!

Lanocreme Cream 
Unknown price from Australia.. I believe

I shouldn't really put this as in the haul from Hong Kong should I xD But found this on my desk and apparently my sister brought it when she went to Australia not long ago. It's new so I just stole it :p The cream is made up of goat milk and it helps to moisturise for firming skin and toning the face and it also contains sun-screen in it to protect your skin under the sun! Have to mention that this product is not sticky and it smells very nice!! This very close to perfect!!

And that's about it! Actually the haul that I've got is a lot more than what I've just posted!
But I kinda can't be bothered to take pictures of every single of them XD
 I apologise for the lack of preparations for this entry!!!!!

Thank you for reading this!!

Please everyone stay safe and have a Fab September!!

and Peace!! (feat. my bitchy Dave) xxx

